NORTH WALHALLA CHURCH OF GOD CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Walhalla #2 Church of God A.K.A. Walhalla, SC Version 1.0, 17-Aug-2004, C204.TXT, C204 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- HISTORY: -------- SC AND THE CHURCH OF GOD: On the southeastern Atlantic seaboard lies an irregular triangle of land containing 31,055 square miles with a base of one hundred ninety miles resting on the Atlantic Ocean. From the white sandy shoreline of the mighty Atlantic, the apex of the triangle extends 235 miles to the northwest, supported by the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains. This is South Carolina-the eighth state to join the Union and the first to secede. The permanent colony of the state was established in March, 1670, when 148 English settlers built at Albermarle Point on the west bank of the Ashley River. This settlement was named Charles Towne in honor of their king, Charles of England, and remains today as one of the leading cities of South Carolina. The expanse of coastal South Carolina, with its small grouping of sea islands and white sand beaches, scrubby palmetto and palm trees, sand dunes and sea grasses, boasts a somewhat tropical appearance as one looks from the Atlantic. Leaving the windswept coast and traveling inland, you encounter the fertile farmland of the low country. Slowly the rise of the land swells upward to the sand hills and on to the red clay foothills until it finally sweeps into the majesty of the blue hill country. This delightful small southeastern state has indeed been friendly to the Church of God. "About the year 1884, a spirit of dissatisfaction and unrest began to work in the mind of a licensed minister of the Missionary Baptist Church by the name of Richard G. Spurling, then living in Monroe County, Tennessee. The dissatisfaction arose because of certain traditions and creeds which were burdensome and exceedingly binding on the members. This humble and sincere servant of God, who was also a faithful servant of the church of which he was a member and licensed minister, began a more careful study of the Bible, and for two years or more spent much time in searching the scriptures and church history, with a view to a reformation. After two years or more of careful searching, praying and weeping, and pleading with his church for reform to no avail, he, with others, began to arrange for an independent meeting for a conference and a more careful consideration of religious matters. The results of the prayers and research on the part of Mr. Spurling and his companions proved three things to their entire satisfaction: In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when the noble and illustrious reformers were throwing off and breaking out from under the galling yoke of Romanism, and launched an inaugurated what is commonly known as Protestantism, they failed to reform from creeds, Second, they adopted the law of faith when they should have adopted the law for love, And third, they failed to reserve a right of way for the leadership of the Holy Ghost and conscience. Besides the aforesaid points, they were awakened to the fact that God's Church existed only where His law and government was observed by His children. After having taken plenty of time for consideration, the time and place for the meeting was arranged and announced. That day is worthy of remembrance, Thursday, August 19, 1886. The small company of humble, faithful, conscientious pilgrims met at Barney Creek meeting house, Monroe County, Tennessee. After prayer, a strong discourse was delivered by Richard G. Spurling, emphasizing the need of a reformation. The arguments were full of force and proved effective, and were endorsed by the hearers, so that when the time came for action there was free and earnest response. The proposition and obligation was simple. We give it below: "As many Christians as are here present that are desirous to be free from all manmade creeds and traditions, and are willing to take the New Testament, or law of Christ, for your rule of faith and practice; giving each other equal rights and privilege to read and interpret for yourselves as your conscience may dictate, and are willing to sit together as the Church of God to transact business at the same, come forward." In response to this proposition eight persons whose names are given below, presented themselves and gave to each other the right hand of fellowship: Richard Spurling, John Plemons Sr., Polly Plemons, Barbara Spurling, Margaret Lauftus, Melinda Plemons, John Plemons Jr., Adeline Lauftus. After having joined themselves together under the above obligation they decided to name the baby organization "Christian Union." They then decided to receive persons into membership who were possessed with a good Christian character, and that ordained and licensed ministers from other churches could retain their same position or office without being reordained. By the virtue of the office he had as a faithful ordained minister in the Missionary Baptist Church for a number of years, Elder Richard Spurling was duly acknowledged and recognized as their minister, to do all the business devolved on him as such in the new order. He then having been placed in authority by the body, took his seat as moderator, and by prayer dedicated the infant church to God, imploring His guidance and blessings for it, and that it might grow and prosper, and accomplish great good. AN invitation was then given for the reception of members, and they received Richard G. Spurling, who was then a licensed minister. The church chose him as their pastor, and had him ordained the next month, September 16, 1886. Soon after this, Elder Richard Spurling died at the advanced age of about seventy-four years. Although he was honored with being the first ordained minister, yet he did not live to see the results of his prayers, tears, and labors of love on assisting to launch this last great reformation that is now assuming such vast proportions as it is spreading over the world. To the sleepless nights of prayer and labors of love by this remarkable old saint and his son, Richard G. Spurling, who is still living, we attribute much of the success and advancement of later years. No doubt they only saw the light as though a glass darkly, but the rays of the early dawn pierced through the darkness until they were made able to at least declare independence and freedom from creeds and sing "Hosannah to the Son of David" for liberty. Great praises be to our God. The little church grew very slowly. But few cared anything about the infant organization. The pastor, R. G. Spurling, continued his preaching, not only at the church, but wherever he was granted the liberty. In this way the minds of the people were continually agitated, and gradually prepared for the work of the Spirit that was to follow. For ten years this servant of God prayed, wept and continued his ministry against much opposition and under peculiar difficulties, before seeing much fruits of his labor. In the year 1896 three men, who lived n the same county and locality, became much enthused religiously, and were powerfully wrought on by the Spirit of God. These men, whose names were William Martin, Joe M. Tipton and Milton McNabb, went over into Cherokee County, North Carolina, and commenced a meeting at the Schearer schoolhouse. They preached a clean gospel, and urged the people to seek and obtain sanctification subsequent to justification. They prayed, fasted and wept before the Lord until a great revival was the result. People became interested, and were stirred for miles around. Quite a large number professed salvation and sanctification through the blood of Christ. The Baptist and Methodist churches became antagonistic to the wonderful revival that was spreading and about thirty were excluded from the Baptist church at one time because they professed to live a holy life, which the church denounced as heresy. After the close of the series of meetings, and the three evangelists were gone, the people commenced a Sunday school, and regular prayer meetings were conducted, usually by William F. Bryant, a leading man of the community. The people earnestly sought God, and the interest increased until unexpectedly, like a cloud from a clear sky, the Holy Ghost began to fall on the honest, humble, sincere seekers after God. While the meetings were in progress, one after another fell under the power of God; and soon quite a number were speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The influence and excitement then spread like wildfire, and people came for many miles to investigate, hear and see the manifestations of the presence of God. Men, women and children received the Holy Ghost and spoke in other tongues under the power of the mighty Spirit of God. The power of healing was soon realized, and a number of miraculous cases of healings were wrought by the power of God. The people knew but little about the Bible, but they prayed, shouted and exhorted until hundreds of hard sinners were converted. The influence grew and spread until it extended into three or four adjoining counties. Persecutions arose, and four or five houses were burned where these earnest, humble people met for worship. At one time the storm of persecution broke in with such fury that one hundred and six men, composed of Methodist and Baptist ministers, stewards and deacons, one justice of the peace and one sheriff, banded themselves together to put down the revival, even by violence, if that were the only way it could be accomplished. They deliberately tore down and burned the house, where sinners were getting saved in nearly every service, in open daylight. But the greater the persecution, the more the revival spread. The meetings were moved to the home of W. F. Bryant, and the power and glory increased. It was while they were in progress there that seven men banded themselves together to stop the work, and one day rode to the home of Mr. Bryant and demanded him to stop the meetings, and also forbade him to have prayers with his family; but like Daniel of old, he purposed in his heart to obey God rather than man, and the meetings were continued, amid threats, showers of stones and rains of lead. During these years of revivals and persecutions Mr. Spurling often came in their midst, and in vain tried to show the precious people the need of God's law and government. Everything moved on smoothly among themselves for several months, even years, and they were able to endure all the persecutions heaped upon them, with grace and love. But in the absence of government and authority, false teachers crept in and led many humble, sincere, unwary souls into error. Factions began to show themselves, and fanaticism took possession of some who were more easily duped by Satan than others. About that time Mr. Bryant and a few others began to see the mistake in being without government and authority; but as they were unable to accomplish anything on that line, the work was allowed to drift. It is estimated that more than one hundred persons really received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues as the evidence during that revival. It is not until May 15, 1902, that any plan for government was adopted. On that day, a number of humble people met at the home of Mr. Bryant, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and under the instructions and supervision of Mr. Spurling, an organization was effected. While this was a continuation of the same organization that was started sixteen years before, yet it was not given the same name, as it was in a different locality. It was called "The Holiness Church at Camp Creek," in Cherokee County, North Carolina. One of the officers, W. F Bryant, was set forth by the church and ordained, which made the church permanent. R. G. Spurling was chosen pastor, and they continued their meetings; yet the work was rather slow to develop, as so many had been led into error by the false teaching referred to above, but a sufficient number remained true to keep the work alive. For a year it was a real struggle to hold the organization against much unbelief and criticism, and there were no additions. It was in June 1903, that the work revived and took upon it a new impetus. At a meeting held on June 13 of the above named year, we made a more careful study of the New Testament order, and five more accepted the obligation and joined with the faithful little flock to push the work along. Another minister and two deacons were ordained by the church in proper order. The new minister was chosen for pastor, and that year there were fourteen more accessions, and the work went on smoothly and prospered amid some light persecutions. One among the number added that year was M. S. Lemons. The next year one organization was effected in Georgia and two more in Tennessee. Then the workers had increased and evangelism was encouraged, so the work grew and prospered under the blessings and approval of God. Near the close of 1905, the work had so prospered that there began to be a demand for a general gathering together of members from all the churches to consider questions of importance and to search the Bible for additional light and knowledge. Accordingly, arrangements were made and the meeting called."(1) This meeting convened on January 16, 1906, in the home of J. C. Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, with twenty-one in attendance. This meeting was the first General Assembly. The year 1913 was the year of history for South Carolina and the Church of God. At the Eighth General Assembly of the Church of God, which was held in Cleveland, Tennessee, January 7-12, 1913, the Church of God consisted of 104 churches, 119 ministers, and 3,056 members. The General Overseer, A. J. Tomlinson, stated in his address, "It is not our purpose to merely make history but we are really making history." This was a true statement by the General Overseer because on Saturday, January 11, when A. J. Tomlinson announced the appointments of the state overseers there were seven overseers appointed for nine different states and one of these nine states was South Carolina. Following is a listing of the overseers appointed at this time: Alabama-J. B. Ellis; Bahama Islands-C. M. Padgett; Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California- R. M. Singleton; Georgia-George C. Barron; Mississippi-J. D. Simpson; South Carolina-H. B. Simmons; Virginia-J. J. Lowman; South Carolina now had its first state overseer, H. B. Simmons. Coleman Livingston Blease of Newberry was Governor of South Carolina at the time that H. B. Simmons was appointed overseer and he was not aware that history was being made for the Church of God in South Carolina, but God in His Kingdom was well aware of it, for following the appointments of the state overseers a voice was heard saying, "It seemeth good to the Holy Ghost and us that all these men be appointed."(2) Henry Byrd Simmons and his wife Florence Pringle Simmons accepted their appointment as South Carolina's first state overseer. Their son E. L. Simmons, who was nineteen years of age and who had accepted the call to the ministry at the age of seventeen, came with his parents to South Carolina.(3) He preached his first sermon in March, 1913 at Langley, South Carolina.(4) At the time of H. B. Simmons' appointment, South Carolina had a population of 1,515,400. The Ninth General Assembly held in Cleveland, Tennessee, convened November 4-9, 1913. At this assembly there was no overseer appointed for South Carolina.(5) November 2-8, 1914, the Tenth Assembly was held in Cleveland, Tennessee. At this time the second state overseer for South Carolina was appointed. J. C. Underwood was appointed as overseer for South Carolina. Following is a listing of the overseer appointments during the Tenth General Assembly: Alabama-W. S. Gentry, Colorado-R. M. Singleton, Florida-W. S. Caruthers, Georgia-W. R. Anderson, Mississippi-M. S. Lemons, New Mexico-R. M. Singleton, North Carolina- J. A. Davis, South Carolina-J. C. Underwood, Tennessee-George T. Brouaver, Bahama Islands-Milton Padgett.(6) A rich history has developed for the Church of God in South Carolina. After 72 years the Church of God has 282 churches, 550 ministers and 31,692 members. (1) Book of Minutes, Volume 1, 1922, pp. 7-14 (2) Ibid., p. 131 (3) E. L. Simmons, History of the Church of God, 1938, p. 7 (4) Ibid. (5) Book of Minutes, Volume 1, p. 151. (6) Ibid., p. 179 (Source: W.E. Woody, Church of God Historical Committee THE BEGINNING: 1913 - 1914, H. B. Simmons 1914 - 1916, J. C. Underwood 1916 - 1917, W. A. Walker 1917 - 1920, W. H. Cross The Church of God had its beginning along the lower Tennessee-North Carolina boundary of the Unicoi Mountains. It was rugged country where farmers worked hard just to provide a meager living using primitive plows drawn by Oxen. Their clothes were handmade and their education was limited. It seemed an unlikely place for anything of importance to ever happen, yet this is the birthplace of the Church of God. After two years of meetings in which dedicated Christians sought God for direction, it was decided on August 19, 1886, that a new church would be established. On this Thursday night at a place called Barney Creek in Monroe County, Tennessee eight people came forward at the invitation and united with what was to become Christian Union. This group struggled for several years with no noticeable growth and under persecution. Finally their prayers and faithful evangelistic efforts began to pay off as the church spread from North Carolina and Tennessee into Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, and the Bahama Islands, but it was not until around 1912 that the State of South Carolina had its first encounter with this young, yet expanding movement. Somewhere around 1912-1913, J. C. Underwood boarded a train from Tennessee and headed for Oconee County in South Carolina. The train had to travel by way of Atlanta, Georgia and then back northeast toward Seneca, South Carolina. Arriving at Seneca, J. C. Underwood loaded the tent he had brought with him onto the flatbed car of another train. From Seneca to Walhalla, he rode with the tent on to the place God would ordain him to minister. When J. C. Underwood arrived in the Walhalla Area, he met a man by the name of Jacob H. Chapman of the Fairfield Community. Mr. Chapman allowed the tent to be placed on his property and soon a revival was underway. The place became known as "Buzzard Roost" by holiness fighters and the people were called "shake rags" because they were poor and didn't have the best of clothes to wear. It is believed that the tent remained on this same site for as long as one year or longer; and then because of certain problems that arose, the group divided. Those who remained continued with their regular services, although they were not officially organized as a local church. Later they built a small frame building and were organized into an active church. (This was after the Walhalla #2 Church of God was organized.) This church was the Mount Pleasant Church of God, which remained active for several years. The larger group of believers moved with J. C. Underwood about eight or ten miles to the Ebenezzer Community of Oconee County. Here the tent was set up off Old Highway 11, which is now called South Carolina Highway S-37-175, at a place that came to be known as "Buggarow Field." It is said that a man committed murder here and then cut off the head of his victim. People claimed, afterwards, that the man who had his head cut off would get up on the back of their buggy and ride through the area with them at night. The area is still called "Buggarow Field." J. C. Underwood and his congregation worshiped here for some time, but still as an unorganized church. From "Buggarow Field" in the Ebenezzer Community, the group moved about five miles back up the road toward Mt. Pleasant. They moved into a building on the property owned by Fred S. Morgan. The building was about twenty feet by twenty feet and had been used as a storage house for cotton. It became known as Morgan's place. In 1914 Fred S. Morgan gave the group of believers one acre of land upon which to build their first church building. This land was located in the Oconee Creek Community off Highway 183. Until the building was erected, the group continued to meet at Morgan's place, then on July 15, 1914 the first Church of God in South Carolina was organized with eighteen members. They were: Frank Richie, Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Eades, Mr. & Mrs. Issa Eades, Mr. & Mrs. John Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Will Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Bea Owens, Mrs. Jacob Chapman, Mr. J. B. Eades, Clara Lee, and Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Vaughn. In August 1915, a church building was started and on June 4, 1916, services were conducted in the new building for the very first time. The church became known as the Walhalla #2 Church of God because it was located on rural route #2. The pastor was J. C. Underwood, who had been responsible for bringing the Church of God message into the State of South Carolina three or four years prior to the organizing of the first church. J. C. Underwood had been appointed to serve as state overseer in South Carolina at the Tenth General Assembly of the Church of God, November 1914. So not only did J. C. Underwood have the responsibility of pasturing the first church in South Carolina, but he also served as state overseer of South Carolina at the same time. After the building was completed, the church enjoyed much success but also experienced some measure of persecution. Services were often disrupted by those who opposed the presence of the Church of God in their community. Rocks were thrown through the windows of the building. Tomatoes, as well as eggs, were thrown at the people going into and coming out of the building. Threats were often made, but God showed His glory among the people. Mrs. Rosa Eades, the final charter member of the Walhalla #2 Church of God to go to be with the Lord, reported that J. C. Underwood returned to Walhalla in 1917, to conduct a revival meeting. During the meeting he spoke of handling snakes through the power of God. On the way to church the following night, two unbelievers came upon a rattler in the road. They caught it and carried it into the service with them as a challenge to what the evangelist had said the night before. The pastor of the church at the time was Andrew Green and he told his congregation that if God willed, they could handle the snake. The pastor placed the rattler on the altar in a box and many of the people present handled the snake and not one person was bitten. No doubt this was done to convince the doubters of the power of God as spoken of in Mark 16:18. The church building remained physically unchanged until John Watkins came as pastor. The roof of the building was torn off and replaced, and the inside ceiling was lowered. When J. C. Green came, around 1940, the building was whitewashed and underpinned and electricity was installed in the building for the first time. Until 1947, there were no Sunday school facilities at all. Classes were conducted on both sides of the choir and in several areas of the auditorium. Later wires were strung from side to side and sheeting material was used to divide the large room into more private classrooms. Under James T. Shealy, two rooms were built on either side of the rostrum and three classrooms were built underneath the building. Also the entire structure was bricked. In 1954, Lionel Morgan lead the congregation into a major building program at which time a beautiful sanctuary was constructed. The old building was developed into a badly needed educational facility for the growing congregation. A.L. Hargraves led the church into another major building program while he served as pastor. They moved the old educational building, which was the original church building built in 1916, and a lovely two-story educational building was constructed. W. J. Lesley was pastor of the church when their beautiful youth center was built. This has become the center of activities for this great church which is blessed with a large group of fine young people. The North Walhalla Church of God, as it is now called, has been blessed to have some of the finest men to serve them as Pastor. They are: J. C. Underwood, W. A. Capshaw, Andrew Green, W. H. Cross, Bartly Evans, O. H. Tollison, Lem Power, Jess Rogers, John Pearson, J. B. Eades, R. G. Looney, C. E. McAbee, Frank Rochester, Mr. Heaton, *John Childers, Levis Miller, John Watkins, Coleman Hall, W. D. Moody, J. C. Green, James T. Shealy, R. V. Dillingham, J. C. Mullinax, Lionel Morgan, W. D. Childers, Wade A. Bell, W. J. Lesley, A. L. Hargraves, Marion Shaw, Billy Bowman, F. W. Black, James D. Edmonson, Bobby G. Duncan, and W. D. Manly. The North Walhalla Church of God remains one of our leading churches in the state of South Carolina and a strong and powerful influence for God in Oconee County. (Source: J.H. Shealy & W.E. Woody, Church of God Historical Committe ---------- About eighty years ago, a preacher by the name of J.C. Underwood boarded a train in Tennessee and headed for Oconee County. Mr. Underwood arrived in Seneca and then boarded another train and headed for Walhalla. When he arrived in Walhalla, he met Jacob H. Chapman, who allowed Mr. Underwood to set up a tent on his property for the purpose of holding church services. Many people attended the services and later moved with Mr. Underwood to the Ebenezer community, just off old Highway 11. The congregation worshipped there for some time, but as an unorganized church. From this site, the group moved about five miles up the road toward Mt. Pleasant. They used a building owned by Fred S. Morgan. In 1914, Mr. Morgan gave the group of believers one-acre of land for the purpose of building a church. This land was located in the Oconee Creek Community, off Highway 183. On July 15, 1914, the first Church of God in South Carolina was established with eighteen members. The church was called Walhalla #2 Church of God because it was located on Rural Route #2. J.C. Underwood was the church's pastor as well as the first state overseer of South Carolina. The church grew, and the little frame building was enlarged to accommodate the growing membership. In 1954, the present sanctuary was built, while the old sanctuary was converted to Sunday School classrooms. The Youth Center was built, and in 1973, the present educational area was built. The church name was changed from Walhalla #2 to North Walhalla Church of God in 1984. The North Walhalla Church of God was the first of its denomination to be established in South Carolina. Submitted by: Linda Walker. ---------- DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Mar-2001 Vivian Parkman at in Mar-2001 Linda Flynn at (visit above website) in Apr-2002 HISTORY WRITE-UP : SC Church of God Centennial Celebration History 1886-1986 Linda Walker. TRANSCRIPTION .. : ____________ at ____________ in _______ TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ADDIS, Frank LeCroy, b. @1926, d. 17-oct-1997, h. of Anine C. (Mauldin) Addis, p. Gus and Lillian (LeCroy) Addis ADDIS, George Lester, b. 2-jan-1888, d. 8-jul-1954, beside Mary Elenor Chandler Addis, wife of G.L. ADDIS, Gladys L., b. 10-apr-1928, d. 11-jan-1967 ADDIS, Gracie Chandler, b. @1897, d. 11-jun-1985, widow of John Henry Addis, p. Jasper Crayton and Mary Ellen (Ross) Chandler ADDIS, John Henry, b. @1894, d. 15-mar-1983, w. Grace Chandler Addis, p. Ebenezer and Eliza (Keasler) Addis, b. Oconee ADDIS, Julius Frank, b. @1919, d. 17-may-1989, w. Sophia (Foster) Addis, p. Henry and Gracie (Chandler) Addis, b. Oconee, Army vet WWII ADDIS, Lillian L., b. 28-aug-1903, d. 4-sep-1974 ADDIS, Mary Elenor Chandler, b. 16-apr-1888, d. 27-mar-1942, beside George Lester Addis, 1888-1954 ADDIS, Mary G., b. 19-nov-1876, d. 6-dec-1946, on double headstone with W.T. ADDIS, Sophia Foster, b. @1921, d. 25-jun-1994 G'ville SC, widow of Julius Frank Addis, p. Charlie and Hannah (Smith) Foster ADDIS, W.T., b. 16-jan-1869, on double headstone with Mary G., 1876-1946 ALEWINE, Edith B., b. 1921, d. 1950 BARNES, Sarah, b. 18-mar-1861, d. 14-jun-1935, a. 74y 2m 23d BATES, John S., b. 14-jun-1877, d. 29-oct-1954, a. 76y 4m 15d, w. sarah martha bates BATES, Sarah Martha, b. 2-apr-1873, d. 29-dec-1947, a. 74y 8m 27d, h. john s. bates BELL, F. J., b. 31-dec-1848, d. 27-jul-1940, a. 91y 6m 27d BELL, James M., b. 1854-d. 1929, a. 75y BELL, Jane M., b. 1856, d. 1932, a. 76y BELL, Maggie C., b. 20-jun-1885, d. 7-jan-1940, a. 54y 6m 15d BELL, Sallie W., b. 18-may-1854, d. 8-oct-1931, a. 77y 4m 18d BENNETT, Ella May, b. 18-oct-1935, d. 18-oct-1935, a. 1d, p. m/m j.e. bennett BENNETT, Minnie May, b. 9-jul-1916, d. 1-jul-1944, a. 27y 11m 22d, h. j.e. bennett BRYANT, Coy, b. 18-Oct-1909, d. 25-Jul-1934; on single headstone - beside william 1947/47. BRYANT, William, b. 31-Mar-1947, d. 1-Apr-1947; on single headstone - beside coy 1909/34. BRYSON, Inez Cantrell, b. 1904C, d. 4-Jan-1997; surv: son ray; dtrs. iona nichols, velma lee; sis. lillian smith; 11 grands; 22 greats; 10 great greats; wid. of rbt. l.; d/o late gus & anna (cox) cantrell; predeceased by son robert odell bryson; dtr. edith b.alewine, granddtr. betty alewine derrick. (a.i. 1-5- 97, pg. 2c, col. a). BRYSON, Robert L., b. 24-Mar-1890, d. 20-Jan-1957; on military marker; sc pvt. 6 regiment fa repl depot wwI; he is beside robert o'dell bryson; only 2 graves marked in family plot. BRYSON, Robert O'Dell, b. 8-Mar-1926, d. 4-Sep-1955; on military marker: sc cpl us army wwII; he is beside robert l. bryson - only 2 graves marked in family plot. BURRELL, Bett C., b. 19-aug-1937,d. 5-dec-1937, on double headstone with james o.(1939-39), in holleman l. & leora mccall burell plot BURRELL, Holleman L., b. 19-nov-1909, d. 29-jan-1986, w. leora mccall burrell, p. james garfield & minerva kelly burrell BURRELL, James O., b. 23-jan-1939, d. 14-feb-1939, on double headstone with betty c. (1937-37), buried in holleman l. & leora mccall burrell plot BURRELL, Leora, McCall, b. 12-dec-1915, on double headstone with holleman l. (1909-0) CAPPS, Edith, b. & d. 4-sept-1930, single, hand-carved headstone beside randolph 1931/33 CAPPS, Randolph, b 9-oct-1931, d. 23-jan-1933, single hand-carved headstone beside edith 1930/30 CATER, Ada Pearson, b. 1917C, d. 10-feb-1990, h. raymond cater, d/o william henry & emily talley pearson CHAMBERS, John H., b. 25-mar-1887, d. 8-mar-1970, dbl. headstone with lue h. 1900/67 CHAMBERS, Lue H., b. 18-may-1900, d. 25-dec-1967, dbl. headstone with john h. 1887/70 CHANDLER, Clarence E., b. oct-1884, d. nov-1957, dbl. headstone with julia h. 1884/57 CHAPMAN, Joseph Elijah, b. 1905, d. 1976, military marker: pvt us army WWII; separate stones say father, mother & son; he beside joseph h. & nora e. chapman CHAPMAN, Joseph H., b. 1845, d. 1922, single headstone has chapman header; he beside nora e. 1865/1944 & joseph elijah chapman 1905/76 CHAPMAN, Nora E., b. 1865, d. 1944, single headstone - chapman header, separate stones say father, mother & son, she beside joseph h. chapman 1845/1922 CHAPMAN, Rosa Lee Vaughan, b. no date, d. 1931 CHAPPELL, Audrey Elizabeth, b.9-aug-1953, d.12-aug-1953, single headstone, p. l.n & Nora ada Deaton Chappell, granddaughter of Odes and Virginia Deaton and ? Chappell. Siblings: Dorothy Chappell Dodd and Annette Chappell Joslyn CROW, Ruth V., b. 25-jan-1909, d. 12-dec-1928, single headstone; also here: john w. nichols 1902/32; g.c. vaughan 1884/1919; & virginia b. white 1890/1967 DEAL, Clarence L., b. 27-jan-1901, d. 19-oct-1977, dbl. headstone with sarah j. 1915/-0-; also here: william a. & mamie deal johnson DEAL, George G., b. 8-sept-1863, d. 24-dec-1949, dbl. headstone with lois rogers deal 1877/59; also here: george w. hall 1905/68 and ovaline deal hall 1903/80 DEAL, Lois Rogers, b. 3-aug-1877, d. 30-sept-1959, dbl. headstone with george g. 1863/49 DEAL, Sara Jewell Spencer, b.1916c, d.3-july-1999, p. early & ellen rider spencer, h. clarnece leslie deal DEAL, Sara Jewell Spencer, b.1916c, d.3-july-1999, p. early & ellen rider spencer, h. clarnece leslie deal DEAL, Sarah J., b. 7-aug-1915, dbl. headstone with clarence l. 1901/77 DEATON, Birdie A., b. 17-apr-1893, d. 1-dec-1978, dbl. headstone with oscar harris deaton sr, 1893/55 DEATON, Jewel Rachel Henderson, b. 1929C, pickens co sc, d. 3-jan-1997, h. lewis john deaton; d/o j.b. DEATON, K. Larry, b. 12-oct-1943, d. 28-dec-1970, single headstone buried in thomas l. & mary a. deaton sites; separate stone says son DEATON, Lewis John, d.29-nov-2000, born in Oconee County, us army vet WWII, w. aquilla bell medlin wilson deaton, p. odes & virginia shultz deaton DEATON, Mary A., b. 4-jul-1923, dbl. headstone with thomas l. 1919/79 DEATON, Odes Earnest, b. 22-jul-1894, d. 19-aug-1951, single headstone beside virginia s. 1897/80 DEATON, Oscar Harris, Sr., b. 22-jul-1893, d. 22-apr-1955, dbl. headstone with birdie a. 1893/78 DEATON, Thomas L., b. 6-jun-1919, d. 26-may-1979, dbl. headstone with mary a. 1923/-0-; he also has military marker: pvt us marine corps WWII; also here: k. larry deaton 1943/70 DEATON, Viola, b. 1917C, d. 6-jul-1995, d/o oscar harris & birdie addis deaton DEATON, Virginia S., b. 1897, d. 1980, single headstone beside odes earnest deaton 1894/51 DOTTRY, Henry Grady, b. 26-apr-1890, d. 28-nov-1957, w. mary burrell, p. jim & joyce daily dottry DOTTRY, Mary B., b. 24-may-1894, d. 21-aug-1969, h. henry grady dottry, p. james & martha medlin burrell DRYMAN, Edd, b. 12-may-1875, d. 16-jul-1951, on double headstone with janie (1882-0) DRYMAN, Janie, b. 28-jul-1882, d. no date, on double headstone with edd (1875- 51) DUCKETT, Dewitt, b. 19-feb-1903, d. 4-mar-1955, on double headstone with mary m. (1912-59) DUCKETT, Lois Vivian, b. 1-jun-1938, d. 14-jul-1938, p. dewitt & mary duckett DUCKETT, Mary M., b. 23-mar-1912. d. 17-dec-1959, on double headstone with dewitt (1903-55) DUCKETT, W. B., b. 8-aug-1895, d. 25-sept-1923 DUCKETT, William Albert, b.1908c, d.18-dec-2000, p. john wesley earl & lucy katherine casey duckett DURHAM, Doris Ann, b. 31-jul-1947, d. 30-oct-1947, p. edward & idell c. durham DURHAM, Rosie Lee, b. 22-aug-1932, d. 18-mar-1934, on double headstone with doris ann (1947-47), says " children of edward & idell c. durham" EADES, Dewitt T., b. 4-jul-1896, d. 17-dec-1969, on double headstone with velma m. (1899-0) EADES, Issac F., b. 18-jan-1885, d. 31-oct-1960, on double headstone with rosa g. (1893-0) EADES, J. B. Rev., b. 3-jun-1898, d. 18-apr-1972 EADES, John, b. 30-apr-1856, d. 3-may-1934, on old hand-carved headstone at top says "march 1935" EADES, Maggie P., b. 10-jun-1899, d. 22-feb-1930, buried in rev. j.b. eades plots EADES, Ralph E., b. no date, d. no date, buried in rev. j.b. eades plots EADES, Rosa G., b. 1-aug-1893, d. no date, on double headstone with issac f. (1885-60) EADES, Sophie M., b. 15-jul-1860, d. 21-feb-1938, on double headstone with tyler b. (1860/38) EADES, Velma M., b. 25-oct-1899, d. no date, on double headstone with dewitt t. (1896-69) EADES, Zona S., b. 26-nov-1914, d. 11-jul-1942, buried in rev. j. b. eades plots EADES. Tyler B., b. 4-aug-1860, d. 6-jun-1938, on double headstone with sophie m. (1860-38) FORTSON, Claude S., b. 1894 d. 1942 FORTSON, Hoite W., b. 9-oct-1912 d. 18-apr-1928 GALLOWAY, Edna Viola, b.3-may-1944, d.3-may-1944, double marker with william davis galloway, they are beside ida may galloway GALLOWAY, Ida May, b.1909, d.1978, beside william davis & edna viola galloway GALLOWAY, Jess C., b.1920C, d.23-apr-1985, p. luther freeman & frances johnson galloway, w. ida mae mccall galloway GALLOWAY, William Davis, b.13-june-1934, d.24-nov-1934, double marker with edna viola GILLESPIE, Lois M. Wyatt, b.2-feb-1891, d.21-jan-1919 HALL, George W., b.22-july-1905, d.29-sept-1968, double marker with ovaline deal hall HALL, Ovaline Deal, b.22-aug-1903, d.1-jan-1980, double marker with george w. HALL, Robert L., Sr., b.1870, date, double marker with cordelia c HALL, Roland, b.8-sept-1881, d.6-mar-1963, double marker with ella shedd hall HANN, Georgia Iowa, b.1-aug-1871, d.9-dec-1935, double marker with john quincy hann HANN, James C., b.1912, d.1941, beside john quincy & georgia iowa hann HANN, John Quincy, b.16-dec-1875, d.8-sept-1935, double marker with georgia iowa hann HARVEY, Mary Estell, b.1893, d.1961 HENSON, Alvin W., b.1937, d.1942, beside edith c. HENSON, Beulah, b.1904, d.1950, beside lane & maxine henson HENSON, Earl B., b.1907D, d.2-oct-1989, o. sam l. & emma childers henson, w. emma thompson henson HENSON, Edith C., b.1939, d.1941, beside alvin w., says daughter HENSON, Edwin A., Rev., b.6-nov-1909, d.29-mar-1937 HENSON, Emma C., b.1880, d. 1981 HENSON, Lane, b.1901, d.1066, double marker with maxine HENSON, Maxine, b.1911, double marker with lane HENSON, Samuel Lee, b.1878, d.1965 HOLCOMBE, Jackie, b. 3-jun-1929, d. 14-jun-1968, double headstone with lois, marker says jackie c. HOLCOMBE, Lois, b. 28-may-1929, double headstone with jackie HUBBARD, Charles E., b.7-mar-1935, d.15-oct-1936, p. mr. & mrs. h.e. hubbard HUGHES, Charles A., b.1932, d.1933, beside j.b. & minnie HUGHES, J.B., b.1897, d.12-apr-1985, p. mark howell & vinnie deaton hughes, w. minnie wilson hughes HUGHES, Minnie W., b.1902, d.1981, double marker with j.b. HUSKAMP, M. Guy, b.1894, d.1969, double marker with maude w. HUSKAMP, Maude W., b.1896, d.1971, double marker with m. guy huskamp HUTCHINS, Ida M., b.12-july-1895, double marker with joel b. HUTCHINS, Joel B., b.15-mar-1873, d.16-aug-1952, double marker with ida m. HUTCHINS, Joseph D., b.15-mar-1872, d.31-july-1947, double marker with lena l. HUTCHINS, Lena L., b.10-july-1872, d.4-jan-1955, double marker with joseph d. JOHNSON, Lula Lee, b.30-jan-1888, d.2-june-1951, double marker with n.a. JOHNSON, Lula r., b.3-may-1880, d.28-jan-1965 JOHNSON, Mamie Deal, b.1896, d.1938, beside william a. JOHNSON, N.A., b.5-apr-1888, double marker with lula lee johnson JOHNSON, Robert Edward, b.7-mar-1872, d.16-apr-1946 JOHNSON, William A., b.1888, d.1950, beside mamie deal johnson KEASLER, Boyce, b.4-june-1914, d.17-may-1944, military marker: sc pfc 338 inf 85 inf div WWII KELLEY, Alfred Burton, b.1901C, d.3-nov-1991, p. wm. & ida hammond kelley, w. sallie elizabeth sloan kelley KELLEY, Roy Franklin, b.27-jan-1937, d.25-aug-1946, a. 9y. 6m. 28d. KELLEY, Sallie Sloan, b.1914C, d.24-may-1997, p. wm & minnie bell sloan, h. alfred burton kelley LeCROY, Bertha Pearson, b. no date, d.7-aug-1998, h. james pearson lecroy, p. john & elizabeth talley pearson LeCROY, James Franklin, b.1912C, d.12-oct-1997, p. wes & emma bell lecroy, w. bertha pearson lecroy LEE, Robert E., b.24-jan-1924, d.6-apr-1945, military marker: sc pfc 169 inf 43 inf div WWII LONG, Margaret Roseanne Burton, b.1911C, d.29-apr-1991, p. k.l. sr. & cora cox burton, h. thad h. long LONG, Thad Herman, Sr., b.1911c, d.22-oct-1999, w. carrie suttles cclain long, p. simeon s. & lula ellen watts long ledford, 1st w. margaret burton long LOUDERMILK, Albert J., b.1913, d.14-aug-1984, p. alex m. & ida franks loudermilk, w. hettie derrick loudermilk LOUDERMILK, Alex M., b.1884, d.1962 LOUDERMILK, Almeta, b.8-mar-1939, d.8-mar-1939 LOUDERMILK, Edna I, b.23-feb-1918, d.10-july-1989, p. henry & gracie chandler addis, h. lawrence loudermilk LOUDERMILK, Eva Mae, b. 7 d. 14-july-1937 LOUDERMILK, Frances, b. & d. 8-feb-1944 LOUDERMILK, Hettie Derrick, b.1912, c.4-jan-1984, p. tom & carrie shedd derrick, h. albert james loudermilk LOUDERMILK, Ida Jane Franks, b.1889C, d.3-aug-1992, p. gus & cinday webb franks, h. alex m. LOUDERMILK, Irons J., b.1845, d.1934, beside sina b. LOUDERMILK, Joe W., b.4-july-1886, d.17-jan-1961 LOUDERMILK, Lawrence C., b.9-aug-1917, double marker with edna i. LOUDERMILK, Leonard, b.30-oct-1943, d.30-oct-1943 LOUDERMILK, Lewis M., b.1911, e-way marker with ruby e. LOUDERMILK, Phyllis, b.8-sept-1950, d.11-sept-1950, buried in lawrence c. & edna i. loudermilk LOUDERMILK, Ray W., b.1940, d.1941, 3-way marker with ruby e. & lewis m. LOUDERMILK, Ruby E., b.1914, d.16-jan-1998, p. kay & dora garner smith, h. lewis m. LOUDERMILK, Ruth F., b.1915c, d.16-jan-1998, h. lewis m. loudermilk, p. kay & dora garner smith LOUDERMILK, Sina B., b.1849, d.1928, beside irons j. McCALL, Alvin Reno, b.1904, d.1940, double marker with marthia evelyn orr mccall McCALL, infant son of A.R. & Evelyn, 5-july-1937 McCALL, J. Seadrick, b.12-july-1880, d.1-feb-1944, beside joe lex mccall McCALL, Joe Lex, b.8-nov-1906, d.12-june-1924, beside j. seadrick mccall McCALL, Kattie D., b.1883, d.1945, double marker with willis e. McCALL, Mae B., b.14-apr-1905, d.26-apr-1977, double marker with william f. mccall McCALL, Marthia Evelyn Orr, b.1908, d.1982, double marker with alvin reno mccall, marthia as on headstone McCALL, Marvin L., b.18-june-1938, d.16-aug-1938 McCALL, Mary H., b.1-feb-1883, d.3-aug-1956, double marker with wiliam jabe mccall McCALL, William F., b.31-oct-1903, d.11-nov-1970, double marker with mae b. mccall McCALL, William Jabe, b.5-aug-1882, d.19-mar-1936, double marker with mary h. mccall McCALL, Willis E., b.1857, d.1930, double marker with kattie d. MEDLIN, Bonnie Hand, b.19-aug-1899, d.4-nov-1969, double marker with william oscar medlin, (hand, as on marker) MEDLIN, William Oscar, b.21-dec-1889, d.4-nov-1969, double marker with bonnie hand medlin (hand as on headstone) MIZE, Amanda Elviria Smith, b.17-june-1887, d.11-nov-1951, double marker with william nathaniel mize MIZE, Barbara Jean, b.2-may-1949, d.16-jan-1950, p. e.w. & ruby mize MIZE, Clyde Edward, b.9-mar-1933, d.18-aug-1948, double marker with troy donald mize MIZE, Henry E., b.28-mar-1912, d.29-june-1988, p. nathan & amanda smith mize, w. nora bell martin mize MIZE, Jesse F., b.1908C, d.july-1984, w. helen galloway mize MIZE, Nora Bell Martin, b.1912c, d.31-dec-1999, h. henry edwin mize, p. jacob & alice gilliam martin MIZE, Nora M., b.3-oct-1912, double marker with henry e. MIZE, Troy Doonald, b.25-dec-1930, d.18-aug-1948, double marker with clyde edward MIZE, William Nathaniel, b.30-dec-1885, d.26-july-1961, double marker with amanda elviria smith mize MOORE, Mary E., b.1966, d.1966 MORGAN, Eddie Alexander, b.1921C, d.13-apr-1992, p. fred s. & mary elkin morgan, w. lois reid morgan, navy vet WWII MORGAN, Ernest Wickliffe, b.1915C, d.12-dec-1986, p. fred s. & mary elkin morgan, w. julia sullivan morgan MORGAN, James Ernest, b.29-dec-1934, d.27-oct-1941, p. mr. & mrs. ernest morgan MORGAN, Julia Sullivan, b.1919C, d.20-aug-1995, p. john & connie ellen deaton sullivan, h. ernest wickliffe morgan MURPHREE, Ada H., b.4-june-1908, d.20-dec-1983, p. toll & nalma kelley hendrix, h. clyde i. murphree MURPHREE, Clyde I., b.19-feb-1918, d.12-apr-1993, p. walter isiah & ollie chapman murphree, 1st w. ada hendrix murphree, 2nd w. betty r. NICHOLS, Evans M., b.14-july-1872, d.12-sept-1937, double marker with mary s. NICHOLS, Herbert, 9-june-1940, p. f.j. & m.e. nichols, only date NICHOLS, James Frank, b.5-jan-1919, d.5-feb-1944, military marker: kentucky pvt 1 cl. 81 calvary rcn. Bn NICHOLS, John W., b.22-feb-1902, d.19-aug-1932 NICHOLS, Mary S., b.24-aug-1877, d.18-jan-1950, double marker with evans m. NICHOLS, Robert Frank, b.1918C, d.30-oct-1996, p. rufus & hassie nichols nichols, w. iona bryson nichols NORTON, William, b.1923, d.1968 ORR, Evelyn Hall McCall, b.1909C, d.17-jan-1982, p. john felix & rose deaton hall, 1st h. reno mccall, 2nd h., thomas orr OWENS, Charles L., b.21-apr-1921, d.12-july-1921, double marker with ruby e. owens OWENS, Charlie Y., b.16-nov-1875, d.27-sept-1959, 3 way marker with maude and nettie OWENS, Jack E., b.10-sept-1940, d.7-nov-1972, beside maude h. & charlie y. owens OWENS, James Wilburn, b.1926C, d.13-oct-1984, p. charlie young & maude hunnicutt owens, w. dorothy julene hicks owens OWENS, Kevin Michael, b.2-may-1972, p. dennis brenda owens OWENS, Maude Corene Holbrooks, b.21-mar-1904, d.9-may-1997, p. lee & margaret moore holbrooks, h. sammy OWENS, Nettie R., b.29-may-1882, d.12-june-1921, 3-way marker with charlie y. and maude OWENS, Ruby E., b.12-june-1919, d.29-july-1919,double marker with charles l. owens PACE, Florence Chandler, b.1887C, d.4-aug-1982, p. jasper crayton & mary ross chandler, h. eugene pace PATTERSON, Rachel G., b.23-oct-1936, d.18-feb-1938 PEARSON, Anna Nix, b.23-apr-1906, d.20-mar-1991, p. elijah alexander & martha caroline edney nix, h. thomas harold pearson PEARSON, Bertie Mae, b.12-oct-1920, d.13-oct-1921, p. c.c. & minnie pearson PEARSON, Carl E., b.27-jan-1922, d.12-june-1944, killed in action at normandy france, pfc PEARSON, Edith Grace, b.17-feb-1943, d.27-june-145, p. mr. & mrs. earnest pearson PEARSON, Elizabeth, b.23-july-1878, d.26-sept-1930, double marker with john e. PEARSON, Elsie W., b.11-mar-1905, d.9-aug-1987, p. logan & nancy bell white, h. henry PEARSON, Emily Talley, b.12-sept-1874, d.27-aug-1932, double marker with william henry pearson PEARSON, Ernest Samuel, b.1912C, d.2-nov-1987, p. samuel & maude hudson pearson, PEARSON, Grace Nix, b.18-jan-1909, d.14-apr-1985, p. elijah e. & martha caroline edney nix, h. luther samuel pearson PEARSON, Henry A., b.7-oct-1923, d.7-oct-1923 PEARSON, J. Henry, b.1-mar-1903, d.26-may-1948 PEARSON, J. Morris, b.17-may-1935, d.24-mar-1952 PEARSON, James E., b.16-jan-1939, d.1-jan-1962 PEARSON, John E., b.14-feb-1878, double marker with elizabeth PEARSON, John James, b.30-dec-1932, d.24-aug-1953 PEARSON, Johnie Oliver, b.14-jan-1914, d.13-oct-1941, w. willye mae nix pearson PEARSON, Lillian Thompson, b.1915C, d.13-apr-1985, p. walter & lydia sullivan thompson PEARSON, Luther S., b.31-dec-1911, d.24-mar-1936, double marker with grace nic pearson PEARSON, Maude H., b.1886, d.1936, double marker with samuel d. PEARSON, Samuel D., b.1880,d.1962, double marker with maude h. PEARSON, Thomas H., b.7-dec-1909, d.30-nov-1944, w. anna nix pearson PEARSON, Thomas H.,Jr., b.21-nov-1939, d.30-oct-1959 PEARSON, William Henry, b.20-dec-1869, d.7-oct-1944, double marker with emily talley pearson PEARSON, Willye Mae Nix, b.27-nov-1917, (willye as on stone) double marker with johnie oliver pearson PEARSON, Wilmer E., 6-apr-1933, military marker: csa sc pvt us army, only date PHILLIPS, Jesse J., b.1931, d.17-aug-1949, a.18y,3m PRATHER, Pearl, b.10-oct-1904, d.24-feb-1929 PUCKET, Bessie I., b.8-july-1910, d.28-oct-1949, beside sam b. PUCKETT, Charlie Clyde, b.11-nov-1907, d.18-mar-1976, military marker: pfc us army WWII, beside bessie i. PUCKETT, Robert Lee, b.29-feb-1880, d.6-jan-1947, double marker with selma s. puckett PUCKETT, Sam B., b.1901, d.1966, beside bessie i. PUCKETT, Selma S., b.6-seot-1881, d.18-july-1953, double marker with robert lee RAMEY, Bert, b.15-june-1914, d.12-sept-1952, military marker: sc as usnr WWII RAMSEY, Eunice, b.11-july-1911, d.5-dec-1931 RANKIN, Lewis F., b.2-aug-1886, d.21-may-1968, w. theodosia owens rankin RANKIN, Theodosia Owens, b.21-apr-1883, d.11-dec-1939, h. lewis f. REID, Cordie L., b.1889, d.1954, beside irons j. & joe w. loudermilk RICHEY, C.T., b.6-jan-1897, d.9-may-1921, woodmen of the world RICHEY, J. Isaac, b.1871, d.1950, double marker with jane k. RICHEY, Jane K., b.1864, d.?, double marker with j. isaac ROGERS, Cecil Ray, b.5-mar-1941, d.31-july-1981 (note: says - son of geo. W. rogers ROGERS, Dudley L., b.1949, d.1950,p. george w. & ophelia b. rogers ROGERS, George W., b.1-sept-1900, d.6-feb-1968, w. ophelia b ROGERS, Grady D., b.24-july-1934, d.24-july-1978, p. george w. & pphelia b. rogers ROGERS, Lillian M., b.9-feb-1911, d.1-jan-1930, p. mr. & mrs. j.s. mccall, h. henry rogers ROGERS, Ophelia B., b.24-jan-1906, d.15-june-1982, p. dudley l. (gus) & alice r. brewer, h. george washington rogers SCROGGS, Charlie A., b.17-sept-1869, d.6-apr-1958, double marker with ellen a. SCROGGS, Ellen A., b.3-may-1884, d.22-july-1960, couble marker with charlie a. SCROGGS, Fred W., b.1908C, d.16-may-1994, p. c.a. & ellen mize scroggs, w. stella sanders scroggs SCROGGS, Marvin L., no dates, military marker: sc pvt 526 eng. Lt. Ponton co WWII SCROGGS, Stella Sanders, b.1904c, d.24-apr-1999, h. fred scroggs, p. s.p. & caroline brewer sanders SHOOK, Minnie Chandlerm, b.5-jan-1886, d.10-mar-1930 SIMMONS, Lucy Chambers, b.25-dec-1878, d.16-aug-1953 SLOAN, George H., b.26-feb-1912, d.19-dec-1952, beside minnie b. SLOAN, Minnie B., b.1875, d.1952, beside george h. SMITH, Bessie m., B1911, D.1963 SMITH, Dora, b.1892, d.1981 SMITH, Kay R., b.1893, d.1951 SMITH, Pauline H., b.1919, d.1939 SMITH, Robbie Puckett, b.11-oct-1912, d.17-dec-1930, beside lucy chambers simmons STEPHENS, Douglas, b.4-sept-1942, d.mar-1943 STEPHENS, Lula Pearson, b.1919C, d.23-feb-1986, p. mack & julia nichols stephens, h. toy l. stephens STEPHENS, Toy Lee, b.1912C, d.20-oct-1990, p. david & mary beasley stephens, w. faye pulliam stephens, 1st w. lula pearson stephens STUBBLEFIELD, King D., b.1887, d.1962, double marker with myrtle l. stubblefield STUBBLEFIELD, Myrtle L., b.1897, d.21-nov-1987, p. dave & joanna peoples mccollum, h. k.d. stubblefield SWAFFORD, Amanda C., b.1888, d.1941, double marker with john f. swafford SWAFFORD, John F., b.1887, d.1941, double marker with amanda c. swafford SWEEZY, Maudine McCall, b.1914C, d.27-feb-1995, p. jabe & mary holt mccall, h. jesse arrington sweezy TAYLOR, Alex James, b. 1915C. d. 16-jan-1992, p. john & teora durham taylor, navy vet korea TAYLOR, Douglas, b.1940, d.1942 TAYLOR, dtr. of Henry & Bessie, b. & d. 29-july-1947 THOMPSON, Barbara, no dates, buried with johnnie - "dtr. & son of mr. & mrs. marvin thompson" THOMPSON, J.W., b.25-july-1890, d.27-feb-1942, beside lydia s. thompson THOMPSON, Johnnie, no dates THOMPSON, Mary Ellen, b.6-aug-1933, d.8-may-1934, p. mr. & mrs. j.w. thompson TRAMEL, John B., Rev. b. 27-sept-1866, d. 3-feb-1926, beside emma vaughn trammell TRAMMELL, Emma Vaughn, b. 29-apr-1869, d. 12-oct-1958, beside oscar l. vaughn UNDERWOOD, Christine, b. 2-apr-1896, d. 30-oct-1979 UNDERWOOD, Dovie, b. 1909, d. 1969, beside nancy c. underwood UNDERWOOD, Harley, b. 1910, d. 1964, beside john r. underwood UNDERWOOD, James H., b. 8-june-1927, d. 12-oct-1929, p. j.r. underwood UNDERWOOD, John R., b. 5-aug-1893, d. 2-aug-1950, beside harley underwood UNDERWOOD, Nancy C., b. 2-may-1850, d. 7-mar-1942, beside dovie underwood VAUGHAN, G.C., B. 8-NOV-1884, D. 15-JAN-1919 VAUGHN, Oscar L., b. 1898, d. 1952,beside emma vaughn trammell VOLLRATH, Lewis, b. 5-feb-1866, d. 21-apr-1924, beside pallie e.h. VOLLRATH, Pallie E.H. d. 5-dec-1878, d. 17-sept-1922, beside lewis vollrath WEBB, Joyce Martha Pearson, b. 1935C, d. 12-mar-1986, p. john e. & idell annie mae rankin pearson, h. blanky webb WHITE, Alice Lucille, b.1942c, d.17-feb-1999, p. cecil ray & edna ovaline pearson white WHITE, Cecil Ray, b. 21-july-1901, d. 21-nov-1965, beside velma h. white WHITE, Edna Ovaline, b. 1919C, d. 8-oct-1988, p. ed & alice volrth pearson, h. cecil ray white WHITE, Florence, b. 1899, d. 1930, double marker with robert l. white WHITE, Logan E., b.28-apr-1878, d. 1-june-1965, double marker with nancy b. white WHITE, Nancy B. b. 18-feb-1881, d. 16-sept-1954, double marker with logan e. white WHITE, Nelley M. Richey, b. 27-june-1908, d. 23-apr-1931, h. h.w. white WHITE, Nora Belle, b. 27-aug-1911, d. 9-jan-1919 WHITE, Robert L., b. 1899, d. 1968, double marker with florence white WHITE, Velma H., b. 22-oct-1899, d. 20-dec-1936, beside cecil ray white WHITE, Virginia B., b. 16-sept-1890, d. 8-jan-1967 WILBANKS, Mary Etta Rogers Taylor, b.1915c, d.13-feb-2000, h. burt brown wilbanks, p. lonard l. & myra edney rogers WILSON, Clyde Washington, b. 1899C, d. 10-dec-1985, p. wm. Jasper & maggie daniel wilson, w. ivy cain wilson WILSON, Clyde Washington, b. 1899C, d. 10-dec-1985, p. wm. Jasper & maggie daniel wilson, w. ivy cain wilson WILSON, Iva G. Cain, b. 3-nov-1897, d. 21-june-1929, h. c.w. wilson WILSON, Iva G. Cain, b. 3-nov-1897, d. 21-june-1929, h. c.w. wilson WILSON, J.B. , b. 1908, d. 1979, beside kenneth edward wilson & joyce e. wilson WILSON, J.B. , b. 1908, d. 1979, beside kenneth edward wilson & joyce e. wilson WILSON, James Thomas, b. no date, d. ?-june-1946 WILSON, Joyce E., b. 1958, d. 1962 WILSON, Kenneth Edward, b. 13-july-1969, d. 13-july-1969, beside j.b. wilson WILSON, Lullar Ann Rogers, b. 12-may-1880,d. 29-oct-1957, double marker with math a. wilson WILSON, Math A., b. 26-oct-1876, d. 22-jan-1953, -.. s.k. & maude hudson wilson, w. lula ann rogers wilson WILSON, Verner Dee, b. 1917, d. 1935, beside math a. & lullar r wilson WYATT, Edwin Eugene, b. 1935C, d. 2-apr-1998p. rufus eugene wyatt & janie bell wyatt WYATT, George Foster, b. 1-nov- 1853, d. 22-jan-1937, w. josephine ford wyatt WYATT, Janie B., b. 26-feb-1913, double marker with rufus eugene wyatt WYATT, Janie B., b. 26-feb-1913, double marker with rufus eugene wyatt WYATT, Josephine Ford, b. 2-jan-1862, d. 11-mar-1925, h. george foster wyatt WYATT, Rufus E., b. 28-dec-1908, d. 22-nov-1975, double marker with janie b. wyatt WYATT, william B., b. 10-aug-1888, d. 4-feb-1919